- Clean the bathroom. If you only have time to clean one room in your house other than the kitchen, make it the bathroom. Most guests can handle a little dust on the coffee table or lint on the carpet, but a dirty bathroom is most unpleasant. Scrub and and wipe down the toilet and sink, wipe the mirror, re-stock the toilet paper, empty the trash can, put out a fresh hand towel, and then light a candle right before everyone arrives.
- Wipe the kitchen countertops. You've worked hard over the last few hours, and your kitchen shows it — but it'll show it less if you wipe off your counters
- Vacuum. Quickly run the vacuum in the rooms where your guests will be: entryway, bathroom, dining room, living room, maybe a guest room.
- Empty the kitchen sink; load and start the dishwasher. Let the first of (likely) many dishwasher cycles run while your guests are arriving. If you have time, unload it before everyone sits down to dinner. If you don't have time, no worries. At least you'll have a clean sink and no dishes stacked on the counter.
- Sweep the kitchen floor. The same goes for the kitchen floor. Sweep away the crumbs and quickly wipe up any drips or splatters you see.
- Straighten and dust. Again, focus on where your guests will be. Remove clutter and then dust the major surfaces. I usually focus on my coffee and side tables, electronics, and low shelves.
- Fluff the living room pillows.
- Adjust the lighting. Turn off overhead lights and turn on lamps. Light some candles. This draws the eye away from any areas that weren't deep-cleaned, and just makes everyone feel cozy.
- Clear a place for coats and bags. If you have a coat rack in your entryway, empty it to make room for your guests' belongings. Or, make up the bed in your bedroom or a guest bedroom for everyone to drop their coat and bag.
- Put on some music. You've done the minimum amount required to get your place looking good, and that's totally fine! Now, put on a little music and you're done.
Property Management Blog
10 Steps to getting your house ready for Thanksgiving
Holiday Time
I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving. I had 2 wonderful Thanksgivings. I had one with my husband's side of the family on Thursday. My daughter, niece, and mother in law make their homemade sweet potato soufflé. It is a family tradition near and dear to their hearts.
My second Thanksgiving was with my side of the family on Friday. Below is my 2 nephews (blue and Yellow)
my cousins (purple and no mask)
and my daughter (Red mask)
We ate lots of food and did the kids did the mannequin challenge. It was super cute.
Thanksgiving has ALWAYS been my favorite Holiday. When I was younger it was because I loved Mashed Potatoes. Don't ask me why that was the only thing that really stuck out but it was. Now, I love it because it is all about family. I love just spending time with Family. I am lucky that I have so many family members that live so close so I get to see them all the time but there are some that live far away and I don't get to see a lot. I love seeing my cousins and my kids playing together. I love hearing the laughter coming from everyone. For my son this year, I love football. My son is a Freshman in high school and he was able to practice with the Varsity team for a few extra weeks. It paid off because they ended up going to State for their division and they won State in OVERTIME! It was a nail bitter. Both teams played GREAT!!!!
Yesterday, our family decided to hang our outdoor Christmas lights. They ended up looking really good. We don't do anything super fancy. Just blue and white lights but they really do look beautiful together. I have barely started my Christmas shopping and really need to kick it in high gear. I am normally the one that waits til the VERY LAST MINUTE and it drives me crazy every year and I keep telling myself that I am going to start sooner but something always comes up. Maybe next time, right?
Until next time........
Fall is Coming
Isn’t it amazing how one day can change everything? Labor Day was on Monday and it was so hot. I was hosting a BBQ at my house. We had invited some friends and family over to eat a lot of good food and play corn-hole and euchre. We all sat around talking and having so much fun. It was a really beautiful day. Fast Forward one day and the weather is cloudy and the wind has a certain chill in the air. You can tell Fall is approaching fast. I couldn’t be happier. I love Fall almost as much as I love Spring. Fall has some of the most beautiful colors. I love watching the leaves change from green to orange and red. Driving down the road it seems almost peaceful. Like you are in a painting.
With the Fall like weather comes FOOOOOOOOOTBALL!!!! My favorite sport. I love my Indianapolis Colts. They are my team!!!! I turn into a total dude (minus the beer part). I love when my husband makes good food and we get to sit around and scream at our T.V. My poor husband, God love him, definitely drew the short in of the stick when he married me. That poor man cooks and cooks and cooks some more. Not only does he cook full time for his job but he got a second part time job as a private chef for a wonderful couple in Zionsville area. The husband was on dialyses because he was in kidney failure but because of an angel was able to receive a kidney this past Friday. He is now on the fast track to healing and is so happy to have mashed potatoes. Isn’t that funny? This man just went through hours of surgery to get a new kidney and he was super satisfied just having mashed potatoes. Makes you think about what is really important in life. NOW on top of all that cooking my husband makes a meal once a week for 25 hungry 8th grade football players. I signed up for the job thinking I could be able to handle it when in fact I couldn’t and it got placed on my husband’s lap. Luckily for me, he has been a true sport about it all. Now for the real kicker…..he even cooks us dinner (including my mother) almost every night of the week. I definitely feel like I am the winner between the two of us.
Another one of my favorite things about Fall is bonfires. I love sitting in my back yard with a pair of sweats, a hoodie, and a glass of wine. It is serene listening to the wood crackle under the heat of the flames, the music lightly playing in the background, the fact that it gets darker sooner so I have to fight less with my kids about going to bed. Fall is calm to me.
Now with Fall fast approaching it is time to do some Fall cleaning. Time to get the jeans, sweatshirts, and warm blankets out and get them washed. It is time to open those windows that have been shut all summer long so you can let the cool Fall air in and rejuvenate you. It is time to wash walls, windows, clean carpets, and get ready to bunker down for the winter. Enjoy your last few weeks of being outside without seeing your breath.
Here are somethings to look forward to:
~Tonight starts off FOOTBALL SEASON
~3 days until the Colts start their season
~11 days until Fall actually starts
~50 days until Halloween
~51 days until Day Light Saving Time Ends
~76 days until Thanksgiving (My favorite Holiday)
~102 days until Winter
~105 days until Christmas
~112 days until the New Year
Until Next Time………….
I can almost smell the turkey cooking in the oven, pumpkin pies out resting, and the sounds of friends and family members laughing. It is by far one of my favorite Holidays. It isn’t about anything other than FOOTBALL, FOOD and FAMILY. I like that the only thing exchanged are a few choice words at the t.v. while watching football or between siblings because they are fighting over who gets the wishbone.
Thanksgiving started back in 1621 however it didn’t become an annual tradition in the USA until 1863. This feast lasted 3 days between the Native Americans and the Pilgrims. Thanksgiving is held on the 4th Thursday of November. Thanksgiving is known for setting aside time to give thanks for one’s blessings.
I don’t know about your family but I am a part of a HUGE Family. My father in law is 1 of 9 kids. Some of those kids have kids of their own. Thanksgiving has always been so amazingly fun and entertaining. You have never met a family more loving. I remember my first Thanksgiving with their family and I was greeted with hugs and kisses. It was truly all about giving Thanks and about family. A Grandpa sneaking his grandson cranberry sauce under the table because mom said he needed to eat more meat, an Aunt meeting her niece for the first time, and so so so much love.
Traditions are a big thing in my family. Every year we get together at my sister in law’s house and my mother-in-law teaches her two granddaughter’s how to make Sweet Potato Casserole. I love hearing them laugh as they are crunching up the corn flakes and getting their hands all messy from mashing the sweet potatoes. I am always in charge of taking pictures because I always seem to have a camera in my hands. Plus I love getting to capture those wonderful moments.
And if 2 Thanksgivings aren’t enough welcome to my family and the 3rd Thanksgiving. My mom is also a part of a big family. All of her brothers and sisters have kids and even some of them have kids. We normally all pitch in and bring some sort of side and one of us normally get stuck baking the Ham and the other the Turkey. Most of my mom’s family live in another state or not so close so when we get together everyone tries to catch up. We also take a LOT of Family pictures. It is amazing how much everyone grows.
One of my favorite memories of Thanksgiving were the conversations I had with my Grandpa. We would sit at the dining room table and we would have very heated discussions about the new and hip things. My grandpa didn’t like change very much. Plus every year my grandma would ask what we wanted for Christmas and he would say that we weren’t getting anything for Christmas because he was taking my Grandma and going someplace warm. However, EVERY year we went to my grandparent’s house for Christmas.
My favorite food on Thanksgiving is the mashed potatoes and corn mixed together. I know you don’t have to wait for Thanksgiving to have them but I just love them. I have really never liked Pumpkin pie or Sweet potato casserole. What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving? What is your favorite Food?
Until Next Time………
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